Dana Carvey's classic "Church Chat" With Justin Bieber alive

Well, isn't that special?

Even though Justin Bieber wasn't even alive for Dana Carvey's classic "Church Chat" sketches on "Saturday Night Live," the teen pop idol got to sit on the Church Lady's couch tonight during the reprisal sketch.

Justin Bieber Church Lady
This special edition of "Church Chat" focused on today's morally bankrupt TV shows like "Skins" ("Sportcenter for Pedophiles") and "One And A Half Men And A Whore Monger." Carvey also welcomed the "holy trinity of sluts" the Kardashians (Nasim Pedrad, Vanessa Bayer and Abby Elliot) who talked about Kim's nude "W" magazine cover.

Bobby Moynihan also made an appearance as Snooki, who Carvey noted had "hair teased high to mock the heavens and "body squeezed into a dress like a sausage into a casing." But the real guest of honor was none other than Justin Bieber.

The pint-sized singer incited quite a surprising reaction from the Church Lady. Let's just say she takes a liking to his "nice new haircut," "million dollar smile" and "voice that makes young ladies' naughty parts tingle."

Read more about   Dana Carvey's classic "Church Chat" With Justin Bieber alive




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