Ronald Reagan | Happy 61st anniversary of your 39th birthday, Mr. President

Ronald Reagan | Happy 61st anniversary of your 39th birthday, Mr. President.

That's the message on the website of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library, which has held a weekend long celebration of the late president's 100th birthday.

The party was continuing Sunday, the actual birthday for Reagan, who was the nation's 40th president and remains a beacon for conservative thinkers. The centennial program includes a 21-gun salute, an F-18 flyover, keynote remarks by Reagan Treasury Secretary and Chief of Staff James Baker and the official laying of the presidential wreath on Reagan's memorial site. Events are broadcasting live from the Reagan library in Simi Valley, California.

Baker, who spoke to Fox News in anticipation of the president's birthday, said Reagan's greatest legacy is that he restored America's pride and confidence in itself.

"He taught us how to be proud again, he taught us how to think big again, well he taught us how to love. I have to tell you, I think he taught us how to love," Baker said. "So his legacy, in terms of concrete achievement, of course is that he led this nation for eight years, eight years of complete peace and prosperity, and that's no small feat. But in terms of his character and things like that, he really set a wonderful example for Americans, both past and future.

But even as President Obama hosts a Super Bowl party at the White House Sunday for 100 guests from both sides of the aisle, Baker said much of the Reagan style has been lost in current-day Washington.

"The current political climate is different than it was then. In those days, we would fight like hell during the day, and then after 5 o'clock he and (then-House Speaker) Tip O'Neill would retire to the residence for a drink and a few Irish stories," Baker said. "Today, I'm afraid, we have lost a lot of that. You don't see as much reaching across the aisle. There is a certain incivility in our politics today, which is quite regrettable, I think."

Republicans are hailing Reagan at a time when the party is facing a resurgence. After two elections of grueling defeats that led to a Democratic White House, House and Senate in 2008, Republicans made historic gains in the House in 2010.

The Republican National Committee has also cleaned house, electing a new chairman in January who has overhauled the entire organization, which is now tens of millions in debt.

Chairman Reince Priebus issued a statement Sunday reiterating Reagan's core values.

"Even before he assumed the presidency more than 30 years ago, Reagan established himself as a staunch defender of our core conservative principles -- limited government, a thriving free market economy, and a strong national defense. ... His memory reminds us of the promise America carries for each of its citizens and the responsibility we shoulder to defend it so that for generations to come it may remain that 'shining city upon a hill,'" he said.

Reagan was 93 when he died on June 5, 2004, after a 10-year battle with Alzheimer's disease.

The Reagan Foundation lists its mission as ensuring a new generation of leaders has the opportunity to learn about Reagan and his impact on U.S. and world history. To that end, the foundation announced Saturday that it had surpassed its $100 million goal for a centennial endowment.

"We couldn't have asked for a better present on President Reagan's 100th birthday," foundation board chairman Frederick Ryan said during a private reunion Saturday of Reagan associates. "Just over two years ago, we set a steep goal of raising $100 million for an endowment that will ensure the Reagan Foundation and its work will live on in perpetuity."

Read more abou Ronald Reagan | Happy 61st anniversary of your 39th birthday, Mr. President




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